Ink Arcade Aftercare

You’ve got some fresh ink, now what?

Keep the tattoo bandage on for at least two hours after receiving your tattoo. The bandage may ooze a bit, but don’t worry, this is normal.

To clean the tattoo, slowly remove the bandage and clean the skin with warm water and antibacterial hand soap. Don’t scrub the tattoo with a towel. Gently rub the area with your hand. Once the tattooed area is washed you’ll want to apply a thin layer of aftercare. Repeat the washing a few times a day for the first four days.

By day five you’ll be able to apply unscented lotion to your tattoo.

Around day four or five you will notice peeling on your tattoo. This is completely normal and a part of the healing process. It will look similar to your skin peeling after a sunburn. Don’t freak out if you see flakes with color pigment, your tattoo is not falling off. Just keep the tattoo clean and lotioned.

Your tattoo should be completely healed within three to four weeks.

Things to avoid

  • Never scratch or pick at your tattoo while it is healing. If a scab forms, let it fall off naturally. DO NOT PICK AT IT!
  • Don’t expose the tattoo to direct sunlight or tanning beds for the first two weeks or until completely healed.
  • Don’t swim, soak in bathtubs or saunas for at least two weeks or until completely healed. The sun, saltwater, and chlorine act as bleach which will result in a faded tattoo.
  • Don’t shave over your tattoo until it is completely healed.
  • Don’t wear pantyhose over your new tattoo until completely healed.

Note: You may notice your skin breaks out while it’s healing. This can be caused from shaving, too much ointment or a bad reaction to the ointment. There can also sometimes be slight bruising in sensitive areas. If you feel that your tattoo has gotten infected during the healing process contact your artist. It could just be irritated, but there is always the possibility that it is indeed infected. Watch out for yellowish green oozing during healing. If you see this contact your physician.